Peaberry Cooperative - Washed Process


Brown Sugar, Green Apple, Cherry • Catuai, Caturra, Bourbon, Geisha • Matagalpa & Jinotega, Nicaragua - 1300-1600 MASL

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For the freshest roast date of this coffee - we roast new batches on the first Tuesday of every month until inventory is exhausted.

Know Your Coffee: Peaberry Cooperative

Peaberries comprise only about 2% of a harvest and are formed when two beans inside a coffee cherry “fuse” or grow together as one.

Gold Mountain Coffee Growers teamed up with several producers in the Matagalpa and Jinotega to bring you this coffee - We usually buy this lot out every year because we are elated with the oddities of how nature does its thing. To this day, nobody knows why Peaberries occur in coffee plants but we celebrate the fact that it happens & the cup-profile is something to be enjoyed & coveted. Think rounder notes in the sugar-browning family - brown sugar, hazelnut, & caramel. Accompanied by complex fruit notes of green apples & stewed cherries.